Magazine Biciclub (Argentina)

The windy mountain range – the Andes cross

The Andes cross through the Andean “Pichachen pass” from Chos Malal to Los Angeles. Six riding days, the first four uphill to then delight yourself on great downhills. Por Daniel Espósito.


Magazine “Solo Bici” (Spain)

Seven unforgettable days dias inolvidables

There are lot of bike trip kinds, in very different type of areas and nature, but if you had the chance to be part of the Andes cross, you wouldn’t think it twice, would you?


Magazine “Aventura” (Argentina)

Opening new tracks in the mountain

The fact of crossing the Andes with a mountain bike sounds like a unique and exotic adventure… well that was for a muticultural group of Brazilian, German, Slovinian, Argentinean and Korean bikers that crossed the Andes and with whom  “Aventura” magazine shared an amazing adventure.