August 8th
Departure day
Difficulty level

Nevado de Aconquija is a beautiful and very challenging bike ride in Argentina.  The ondulating terrain will take us up and down mostly all the time. The north of Argentina is a region full of contrasts and differences. In between minutes we leave from the sub-tropical jungle to arrive in the puna desert. Here is where 5500 meters snow capped mountains, deserts and cactus are part of the views. Then, we will face strong up hills to enjoy the joy of mountain biking: pure down hills!! Huasan is a place to mention. We will have dinner twice at this farm, the “Estancia Huasan”, which was built in 1711 during the period of Spanish colonization. Today is a specialized ranch that produces and exports premium quality olive oil. Mine complex, salt mines, centennial ranches with a huge Spanish and Indian background will be part of this tour.

DEPARTURE/ARRIVAL San Miguel de Tucumán/San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca
DEPARTING TIME 8 p.m. in Buenos Aires
18 Seater exclusive van.
Mountain bike transportation during the extent of the tour
4×4 support vehicle equipped with two-way communication radios (everyday, with on-board service, including granola bars, fruits when possible, and other snacks and drinks)
Bilingual Tour Leaders, equipped with two-way radios, and local guides
Mechanical assistance and spare bike available (in case yours break down)
Half board: breakfasts and lunches included, dinners and meals while on transit not included
Seven nights at simple hotels, inns and farm houses (double & triple base)
 Medical insurance
 Daily Trip Information Notes, with maps, routes and detail on the region
Pre-trip information package with details on how to prepare, what to bring, and more detailed information
Meals not detailed in the program, drinks, alcohol drinks, air tickets, transfers not detailed in the tour program, bike parts, phone calls, laundry expenses and personal expenses
MTB Rental

Additional information

LocationAndalgalá, Concepción, El Rodeo, San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca, San Miguel de Tucumán
Duration8 days
DatesApril, May, September, October, November

Mountain bike tour in North Argentina, from historical “San Miguel de Tucumán”, where argentinean independence was declared, to Andalgalá and San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca, from the green Subtropical jungle to the Altiplano.


Day 1:

Guests starting with us in Buenos Aires will depart in our van on Friday afternoon en route to San Miguel de Tucumán (flight to, and accommodations in Buenos Aires are not included in tour price). The shuttle from Buenos Aires to San Miguel de Tucuman takes 15 hours, arriving on Saturday. If you choose to fly to Tucuman, we will meet you there on Saturday. The group will rendezvous at noon. We’ll have free time to have an overview of the city. Time for an Argentinean asado(Barbacue), while we receive a briefing for the next days program.

Day 2: San Javier - Villa Nougues - San Pablo

We jump in the van and travel towards “Yerba Buena” and we drive a very steep zigzagging hill. Our destination will be San Javier where our ride starts. We will enjoy an amazing view of the green and emerald landscape, large sugar cane and tobacco fields and, possibly, some paragliders. The ride will be uphill at the beginning through Villa Nogues, an ancient and traditional summer tourism villa with exquisite golf fields and centennial mansions. From Villa Nougues we will cycle over the hills, and start a dramatic descent passing by “San Javier” towards “San Miguel de Tucumán”.
41.5km and 2600ft elevation gain

Day 3: La Cuesta del Clavillo

From Concepción we will drive west towards provincial “Road 365” following the “Alpachiri” river. After 22km, we will stop in “Alpachiri”, the last town before arriving in “Catamarca” province. Here, we will start our ride at 600 meters above sea level and witness a remarkable transformation as the farming surroundings turn into dense, green jungle filled with countless types of different vegetation. Its trees and ferns are the best place for fauna to hide. After 12km we will pass by  “Cochuna” at 1100 meters above sea level.  This is where the challenge begins as we will ascend 800 meters in 12km arriving at the “Catamarca” province border – the landscape and the views will change dramatically in a short time.  We will then enjoy the downhill to “Buena Vista-Las Estancias” where we will be spending the night.
41km + optional 9km and 4400ft elevation gain

Day 4: On our way to Andalgalá

After breakfast we leave the hotel and ride towards “Andalgalá”. During the first part of the 22km ride, we will slowly climb from 1650 to 1850 meters through a lonely desert “puna” gravel road with a constant view of the snowcapped “Nevado del Candado”, the highest peak in the area and natural border between “Tucuman” and “Catamarca”. Suddenly, we will arrive at a balcony, a viewpoint from where we will have a great view of the “Andalgalá” valley and the “Pipanaco” salt mines. And surprise! a great downhill of 20km and descend 1000 meters starts – a moment of fully adrenaline to enjoy the pleasures of mountain biking!
Once in “Andalgalá”, the second most important city “Catamarca”, we will stay at an important farm, the “Estancia Huasan”, which was built in 1711 during the period of Spanish colonization and is now a specialized ranch producing and exporting quality olive oil. 62km and 2500ft elevation gain.

Day 5: La cuesta de Capillitas

We leave early in the morning from  “Andalgalá” (1100 meters above sea level) passing by “Chaquiago” and “Choya” and riding towards “Minas Capillitas” a mining complex at 3100m where copper, gold, silver, lead and “rodocrosita” or “Inca Rose”, a semiprecious pink rock, have been discovered.
The narrow and soft ascent on a cliff dirt road allow us to view a never ending desert landscape, including snowcapped mountains, salt mines contrasting with the green vegetation of the uphill.
After riding 48km and ascending 2000 meters we have lunch and then enjoy great downhill ride to “Andalgalá”. 48km and 800ft elevation gain.

Day 6: On our way to El Bolson

From “Andalgalá” we drive back to “Cuesta de las Chilcas”, the great downhill we did two days earlier. Just 4 km before ”Buena Vista-Las Estancias” we will take the detour south through the provincial “road 1”,  and start riding a beautiful gravel road that follows the chain of “Aconquija” mountains along a river. The path will take us first on an uphill and then on a downhill tendency although we´ll have small but strong climbs until arriving in “El Bolsón”. 66km and 2900ft elevation gain.

Day 7: El Rodeo

After enjoying our breakfast at the “hosteria” (Inn´s), we will drive 22km up to the top of “Los Varela” hill. There we will start downhilling an impressive descent that reduces in altitude in a ratio of 100 meters per kilometer! After descending from 2000 to 1600 meters through a stunning landscape, we will start climbing up to 1850 meters. After more downhills and uphills we will end in Las Juntas, a small town where locals lodge. We will have lunch by the river to finish our ride in “El Rodeo”. Short drive to San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca.
38km + 18 optional km and 2300ft elevation gain


Day 8: Departure from San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca

The van leaves early in the morning to Buenos Aires. If willing to fly there are several flights to Buenos Aires from “San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca”. The van will continue towards Buenos Aires to arrive late at night (15 hours drive).

Nevado del Aconquija en bicicleta de Tucumán a Catamarca

Tour Reviews

4.96 based on 1 review
May 4, 2017

Mariano certainly looked after us! A fabulous time was had in the ranges of the north-west with about a dozen others. Tucumano and Catamarqueño cuisine was sampled along the way, in fact the food got better and better as the week progressed. So thanks to mtbtours for a great time, excellent organisation and fine road choices. The daily rides did not seem to far, the hill climbs were rewarding and the downhills an absolute blast. I highly recommend this tour and its manager, Mariano.

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