1- Arrival and departure
Enclose to this registration form you have the checking list of the equipment required and the
Tours program:
Tour name: Date of departure:
Meeting Point: Time:
Hotel where you will stay prior to departure:
Travel Details:
Flight in – arrival date and times, flight numbers:
Flight out – date and times, flight numbers, please detail your travel plans after the cycling tour is finished:
2- Gear + Bike + packing your bike
Will you need to hire a bike?………………………………..a helmet?……………………………………………
What’s your bike size?…………….will you need to change saddle or pedals?………………………….
Please specify the bike you would like…………………………………………………………………
How will you bring your bike?…………………………………do you know how to pack it up?………….
Please don’t forget that you have to service your bike before coming.
3- Travelling companions
Any difficulty about travelling with unknown people?………………………………………………………..
Do you like outdoors life?……………………..Do you know and accept that travelling and living
in outdoors involves a momentary loss of certain commodities?………………………………………
Are you coming with travelling colleagues?………………..Do they ride bikes?……………………..
4- Tour contract
Fare: (€ or U$S)…………………………………..Pre-payment:………………………………………..
Customers signature……………………………………………………………………………………….
MTB Tours……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Medical Registration form
Physical condition
Physical Condition:………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Do you have a health certificate?………………………………………………………………………………….
Do you have Tetanus vaccination?…………………………………………When?…………………………….
(if not we recommend to adhere to precautions)
Are you allergic? what causes your allergy?……………………………………………………………………… to antibiotics?……………………………………..How do you treat them?………………………………………
Are you under any medical or psychological treatment?…………………………………………………….
Do you have difficulties in doing physical effort?………………………………………………………………
Do you currently have or ever had any disease that may influence your performance during the trip?……………………………………………….Do you need any medication?………………………………… Do you present any sight or hearing deficiency?……………………………………………………………….
any other deficiency?……………………………………………….Do you swim?……………………………….
Asthma……………. Gastritis……………….Palpitations……………………Skin diseases…………………..
Hernias……………….Rheumatism fever……………………..Muscle tear…………………………………
Articulation problems……………………..heart blows………………………..Motion problems…………….
Operations, which ones and when?…………………………………………………………………………………
Mark with x if you recently had anyone of the following diseases list:
Parasites………………..Hepatitis………………..Meningitis…………………..Chagas Disease…………..
I have read and fully understand and accept the conditions and general information as set out by Mariano D’Alessandro in the different application and general information forms. I, the undersigned, am fully aware and informed that traveling through natural and remote areas entail certain inherent risks of loss, delay, damage, accident, illness or death and that medical attention in such areas may be impossible to obtain with the speed that the situation may require. For purposes of this trip and the activities related thereto and as regards the services and meals provided in relation to Mariano D’Alessandro and/or by the suppliers contracted by the former, I undertake all the risks of loss, delay, damages, accident, illness or death and I release Mariano D’Alessandro and his agents and suppliers from any and all action, claim, and legal complaint in connection with potential damages that may result from my participation of this trip and from the participation of any member of my family or, of any underage who is under my care.
I have carefully read this document and fully understand its meaning and scope. Finally, I declare that I have read and understood the full program of ……………………………………………….
and I accept the conditions established in the same. I freely sign this agreement and without reserves. Signature:…………………………………………………….
Full Name:…………………………………………………ID/Passport:………………………………………………
(Parents must sign if underage)
General conditions
All participants must read this rules and sign the following agreement on general conditions in order to participate in any mountain biking tour.
A- General Terms and conditions
1- The transportation from your city to the tour start point should be arranged by you.
2- Personal baggage is restricted to a suitcase or two small bags or panniers
3- Outdoors life implies a momentary loss of commodities during a period of time, situation that participants should know and accept
4- You should have a good fitness condition.
5- See participant’s gear checklist on the tours’ PDF program.
6- The organization strongly recommends participants to check their Visa conditions that may apply at their local Argentine (or other country if needed) embassy/consulate.
7- Daily trails have an optimum length to balance cycling time with other activities.
8- Helmet use is mandatory.
9- Participants should arrive at the meeting point at the time accorded. Participants that arrive more than one hour late to departure time will be excluded.
10- Please check the PDF program of the tour to know the services included and not included.
11- In all times, participants must remain in group, not isolating themselves.
12- In case of any difficulties in prosecuting the journey, the participants have to communicate their decision to the Organization. A support van will escort the participants along the trip, and this one could be use anytime (depending on each trip).
13- Weather conditions could modify the route and length of the tour.
14- Each participant signs the Application form at his/her own risk.
15- The organization is not responsible for the participant’s behavior in foreign countries. Local law must be observed in all times.
16- Participants must have swimming skills in order to participate in any water excursions.
17- The participants join in any mountain bike tour knowing all risks that this kind of adventure/ sport activities may involve.
18- The organization discharges any legal and civil actions: the Participants join in one of our mountain bike tours at their own risk. He/She may judge the convenience about joining in a mountain bike tour.
19- The participants will not cause environmental damage during the trip.
20- All weapons and non therapeutic drugs are prohibited.
21- Single clients may share accommodation with other clients.
22- Visit your dentist before leaving on your bike tour.
23- Bring passport and photocopy of your passport.
B- Enrollment rights
– Participants that did not fulfill their payment will be subject to automatic cancellation policy.
See general terms and conditions: cancellation paragraph.
– Participant agrees on being recorded or photographed by the organization for informative or promotional purposes.
– To avoid application rejections, please make sure all the information asked for the Participant
Application Form is complete.
C- Price & form of payment:
– According to your agreement with local agent. (Pricing is subject to change, if any governmental economic ruling applies)
– The organization has the right to modify the itinerary.
MTB Tours has the right to cancel the tour under following circumstances:
– Major factors that may alter participant’s security.
– When participants are not enough according to Argentine Law Number 18.820. The trip cancellation will be communicated with thirty days of advance prior to departure date. Full reimbursement will be given if this contingency arises.
D- Cancellation policy
– Participants that cancel their reservation before 30 days of departing date will have a 50% reimbursement of the amount they effectively paid.
– Participants that cancel their reservation their reservation 29 days before departing date will not have reimbursement right. The organization will consider to reimburse or not those cancellations made by extreme situations.
– Cancellations must be sent in writing.
E- Admittance and Permanency policy
The organization reserves all rights on admitting participants and allowing them to continue participating on the tour by any reason (behavior, health conditions, attitude etc). In that case the participants will have to be reimbursed on those services that did not use. The organization could apply sanctions and penalties to those participants that do not follow this rule.
IMPORTANT: The signature of the Participant Application Form implies full agreement about our general rules.
………………………………………… ………………………………………………
Participant signature Last name, name